Vocabulary: Adverbs in a police story

Vocabulary: adverbs in a police story 
Advanced level (C1)

Read the story and try to guess the meaning of the adverbs (in bold). Check with a dictionary to see if you are right.

The police arrived at the scene of the crime just moments after they had received an emergency call. They saw a young man staggering away from the house towards the woods repeatedly falling over, suggesting he was drunk or drugged. They gave chase and after a minute or so they managed to wrestle him to the ground.. He was drenched in sweat and seemed utterly exhausted. They placed him in handcuffs and he very unwillingly walked to the police car and got in the back seat. Inevitably he tried to give a false name but when the police checked for any ID, they found his real name. At that moment, somewhat to their surprise, he changed his attitude and politely told them everything they wanted to know. After that they immediately took him to the police station to do a drugs tests and put him in a cell for the night. The following morning he was given a lawyer and interrogated by a detective.      

Listen I am arresting you