Updated Cambridge English First and Advanced exams

Updated FCE and CAE for 2015
Intermediate to advanced level (B1-C1)

Cambridge English have made some changes to their First and Advanced exams. The biggest change is that now there will only be 4 papers instead of 5 because the Reading and Use of English are being put together in the same paper.

Some of the questions have been changed as well but generally speaking the new FCE and CAE are very similar to the old ones. This means that if you have some practice books for the old exam you can still benefit from using them, but remember to find out about the changes by looking at the Cambridge English website and to practice the new exam as well:

Cambridge English: First
Cambridge English: Advanced

Another change is that there is no longer the option of answering a question on a set text (novel). The new exams are shorter too:

The old FCE was 4 hours long. The new one is 3 hours and 30 minutes.
The old CAE was 4 hours 40 minutes long. The new one is just less than 4 hours.

You can buy practice books for the updated exams but be careful, if you are ordering online, to make sure you buy one for the 2015 exams. There are so many Cambridge English exam practice books on Amazon that it is easy to get confused. Look for ‘revised exam’ or ‘2015 exam’ and try to get one with answers and CD’s for listening practice.